Rick And Morty: 5 Reasons Rick Sanchez Is A Dark Reflection Of The Doctor

2. Impossibly Competent

Doctor Who Rick And Morty
BBC Studios

The Doctor

Considered clever even by Time Lord standards, the Doctor has been building skills and knowledge for hundreds of years, and is said to be the reason that 'doctor' means wise man and healer throughout the galaxy.

Called 'The Coming Storm' by the Daleks, he has won countless battles despite never using a weapon, as just his name alone can turn back armies, and when the Earth is threatened the Doctor legally becomes president of the world.

Rick Sanchez

Ricks across the multiverse are known for their intelligence, power, and disregard for authority, and Rick C-137 (the show's protagonist) is known as the most 'Rick' Rick there is.

After being stuck in the form of a pickle, Rick proved his resourcefulness by creating a mech suit out of rat organs and trash, eventually killing a building full of organised crime goons.

In a single day, Rick destroyed a galactic wide federation and almost every other version of himself essentially because he doesn't like authority.

Common Traits

The Doctor and Rick both share the same superpower: extreme intelligence.

Both characters frequently create and use powerful technologies, have extremely in-depth knowledge of the universe, and can create impossibly elaborate schemes that always seem to save the day.

Also, neither character advertises their power, The Doctor tends to dress ordinary, bordering on silly, whereas Rick looks dishevelled and hungover. It gives the impression that not only is THIS situation/adventure/threat ordinary to the character, but they are actually a little bored.


Luke Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.