Rick And Morty Season 3: Every Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

6. The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy

Rick And Morty
Adult Swim

Dragged out of bed in his underwear by Rick, Jerry goes on an adventure with the man who stole his family.

At an intergalactic amusement park which hosts a bar for alcoholics, has aliens which look like Jeff Goldblum and is covered by a bubble which allows children to bludgeon each other repeatedly, Rick and Jerry begin to bond and respect each other a little after Jerry decides to save his ex-wife’s father from an assassination he agreed to.

The subplot of Summer accidentally becoming ginormous when growing her boobs in an effort to win back her former boyfriend Ethan is nothing great, but the bonding and brutal honesty between Rick and Jerry is what drives the episode and makes it stand out: Jerry calling Rick a self-righteous man who took everything from him and Rick lambasting Jerry as a predator who lures in prey by making them feel pity.

With the dark humour of a kid brother accidentally murdering his sister, the relentless honesty from a foul-mouthed Rick and an incredibly bizarre sequence in which Rick and Jerry roll around on each other naked as they become one with time, The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy is an unforgettable day at the park.


Callum Smith hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.