Rick & Morty: 10 Characters You Forgot Existed

1. Octopus Man

rick and morty mr jelly bean
Adult Swim

"Interdimensional Cable 2" is one of Rick and Morty's most glossed over episodes. While the show is no stranger to improvisation, this season two episode takes it to another level, and there is no better example of this than Octopus Man.

What the hell is going on with this guy? Part man, part octopus, all homicidal maniac, Octopus Man is one of Rick and Morty's more horrific creations. While he only appeared for roughly 30 seconds of screen time, he left his mark.

"I've got save some trouble, because here comes a troublemite!" What does that even mean? Was he the troublemite? Were the couple he brutally butchered the troublemites? Nothing about this character or this bit make any sense, but that's exactly what sells it.

There are a lot of things you don't expect to see in the show, but a wannabe superhero half-octopus half-man going all Michael Myers on an unsuspecting couple is pretty high up there on the scale. It's in his shocking, violent absurdity that nabs Octopus Man the number one spot on this list.

Worst. Superhero. Ever.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.