Rick & Morty: 10 Characters You Forgot Existed

2. Slut Dragons

rick and morty mr jelly bean
Adult Swim

You can't really talk about one Slut Dragon without talking about the others. They're kind of a package deal (pun intended).

When Morty makes a deal with a Wizard to get a dragon, things go from weird to holy s**t weird fast. As it turn out the dragons, the wizard, and seemingly everything else on the world they came from are apparently nothing but hot and bothered sexual perverts.

However, this is especially true with the Slut Dragons. I mean after all, they are called the Slut Dragons.

If you can somehow resist laughing yourself silly whenever they are on screen, especially when they're interacting with Rick, Morty, and Summer, then you might be dead inside. They are vulgar, filthy, and, to be totally honest, incredibly stupid. That's not a slight against them either, as, while their entire existence is one big juvenile gag, it just works. There's never a moment when they're on screen that isn't laugh out loud funny.

Despite coming from one of the more overlooked episodes of season four, the Slut Dragons are one of Rick and Morty's more underrated creations.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.