Rick & Morty: 10 Characters You Forgot Existed

7. Jaguar

rick and morty mr jelly bean
Adult Swim

If Danny Trejo doesn't cameo at least once in your show, did it ever really ever happen at all?

After turning himself into a pickle and escaping a rat filled sewer, Rick finds himself stuck inside an office building and is forced to fight his way out against a hoard of goons. As a last resort, grizzled badass Jaguar, voiced by Danny Trejo, is released from his imprisonment to take out the green menace.

If you've ever seen Machete, staring none other than Trejo, Jaguar may feel familiar to you. Trejo's iconic voice combined with the design of the character gives Jaguar an almost comfortingly familiar presences. You've seen him before, but at the same time haven't.

What's more though is that he is one of the few characters in the series to go toe-to-toe with Rick and be evenly matched, making for some legitimately great moments of action.

You'll be hard pressed to not want to see more of this guy after the end credits roll.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.