Rick & Morty: 10 Characters You Forgot Existed

5. Butter Robot

rick and morty mr jelly bean
Adult Swim

Someone give this little guy a hug. He needs it.

Listen, we all know Rick is a monster by now, it's kind of his whole thing. But, what he did with the butter robot is just plain cruel.

To have purpose, to know you have a purpose, is a beautiful thing. It gives life meaning, providing a motivation to go on day by day. However, to not choose your purpose, to be born into one that you have no say over? That's hell, and the very reality poor butter robot must live.

What makes this unfortunate combination of screws and wires one of the series' more sad creations is that it was self-aware enough to ask what its purpose was. Though the answer it received is enough to make it wish it was just a mere mindless machine.

It's only reason for existing is to pass butter. Nothing more, nothing less.

While it was played off as a joke, just like almost everything else in the show, we often forget, or possibly never even realized, just how depressing of a bit this character was.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.