Rick & Morty: 10 Characters You Forgot Existed

4. Mr. Jelly Bean

rick and morty mr jelly bean
Adult Swim

Is Mr. Jelly Bean the most evil character on the show? No. Is he the most uncomfortably vile however? Yes.

After being freed from giant jail when their attempt to be heroes goes wrong, Rick and Morty find themselves at a tavern in the middle of a giant staircase. While Rick lives it up and tries to find them a way down, Morty has a terrifyingly realistic violent encounter with the king of the land Mr. Jelly Bean.

To call the interaction between Morty and Mr. Jelly Bean rough would be an understatement. The show is no stranger to darkness, but even with its most dark moments there is at least a bit of comedic levity. That is not the case here. Mr. Jelly Bean's attempted sexual assault of Morty is through and through horrifying.

When talking about dark moments and characters from the series, the bathroom scene with Mr. Jelly Bean tends to go unnoticed. While that is understandable, as no one would want to remember something so awful, it also shows that Rick and Morty can get scary, truly bone-chilling scary, when it wants to.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.