Rick & Morty: 10 Essential Episodes EVERY Fan Should See

5. Star Mort: Rickturn Of The Jerri

the ricklantis mixup
Adult Swim

One thing that has been speculated in titters and tatters throughout Rick and Morty’s time on the air - and more prominently in the concluding episode of season 3 - is the question of, is Beth really Beth?

Short answer is technically no, no it’s not. Considering that we saw Rick abandon his original daughter in the “Cronenburg” dimension.

Or did he?

In this substantially extensive tale, the alleged original version of Beth has overtaken her father as the most wanted criminal in the universe, but she’s still not satisfied.

She returns to Earth to question her father about just how she was conceived (organically or artificially, not the way you were thinking, stop painting weird pictures in your head) before both she, and “Earth Beth” become embroiled in an almost Jerry springer esque story with a little intergalactic carnage thrown in.

Before they ultimately decide to team up and before we know it, the episode takes an immediately sharp turn as it evolves into an unrequited and unexpected storyline. Bird person - or “Phoenix person” as he’s now known - comes back to end the family, rather than just their not so petty quarrels.

We won’t spoil what happens, but one thing we will say is that the twist ending is nothing short of a beautiful revelation and somehow, to the shows testament, makes us sympathise with Rick.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com