Rick & Morty: 10 Most Insane Gadgets

1. Microverse Battery

rick and morty Snuffles
Adult Swim

Rick's space ship is impressive enough as its own entity, to say that it was pieced together from junk in the garage, but the most impressive part of it, and possibly Rick's crowning scientific achievement, is the Microverse that is situated inside its battery.

Though Rick is rarely seen getting excited about his own inventions, as they are his bread and butter, he had to admit that he was pretty proud of this one. He put a spatially tessellated void inside a modified temporal field until a planet developed intelligent life. He then introduced this life to the wonders of electricity.

Not only did Rick create an entire universe, he created intelligent life including Zeep Xanflorp, a scientist capable of matching his own intelligence. With the creation of his Microverse, Rick essentially labelled himself a God, and used such glorious power to run his car and charge his phone.

The creation of the universe came with the manipulation of the species he created, convincing them to use their gooble boxes to create electricity, with 80% of that becoming an output of energy for Rick to use for himself. Taking away the ethical questions that Morty pointed out, it's hard to argue with someone who has literally created a universe.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.