Riverdale: Ranking All The Main Characters From Worst To Best

1. Cheryl Blossom

Riverdale Cheryl Blossom Fire
The CW

In the end, there is no character better than Cheryl Blossom. No character better sums up the off-the-wall madness of the show than Riverdale's resident it-girl. Madelaine Petsch's intense and purposefully over-the-top performance fits perfectly with the tone of the show, and she honestly seems to be the only cast member there to realise how ridiculous the show can be.

Initially starting out as nothing more than the high school mean girl, Cheryl quickly blossomed (sorry) into a strong, confident leader and loyal friend. Under her tough-as-nails persona, she has shown more than once to be much more complex than her appearance who lead people to believe.

Her relationship with Toni has been a particular stand-out, a left-field development that is arguably the best thing to happen on the show. But even with this development, Cheryl has continued to grow and mature. She may often be portrayed as something of a villain, but Cheryl is much more than your standard, run-of-the-mill antagonist - she's the most entertaining, complex character on the show.

Besides, no one can pull-off sassy one-liners quite like her.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other