Riverdale: Ranking All The Main Characters From Worst To Best

8. Toni Topaz

Riverdale Cheryl Blossom Fire
The CW

Riverdale loves a rebel, and with Toni Topaz's season two introduction, the show got one of its best. At first, it looked as though she was nothing more than a new supporting character, destined to be lost amongst the show's bigger personalities, but after a brief will-they-won't-they with Jughead Jones, the writers threw out a curveball by having her get together with the fiery Cheryl Blossom.

No one was quite expecting the pairing, but honestly they might be the best couple on the show, sassing their way through town, sticking by each other's side and being a force to be reckoned with.

The problem with Toni, though, is the union itself. A great couple they may be, but once they got together Toni's characterisation waned, with the relationship actually stunting her development away from Cheryl.

She's tough and smart, and her loyalty makes her an endearing player, but she still feels kind of underdeveloped - and like many of Riverdale's underused gems, she too is bursting with potential not yet utilised.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other