Riverdale Season 3: 3 Ups & 4 Downs From 'The Dark Secret Of Harvest House'

2. 'Veggie' Is A Thing Again... Apparently

Riverdale Veronica Lodge Reggie Mantle
The CW

When Veronica broke things off with Archie, she eventually found herself drawn to Reggie Mantle and, for a while, it looked like that might go somewhere. Unfortunately, it never extended beyond a few sleepovers and, when Reggie wanted more out of the relationship (and the business), the whole thing quietly sparked out of existence.

Well, according to 'The Dark Secret of Harvest House', that's not the case at all...

Despite the fact that she and Archie have once again been growing closer over the last several weeks, Veronica reignited her relationship with Reggie just as Riverdale's Red Paladin was about to announce his love for her. Convenient, right?

To make matters worse, Reggie has been absent for weeks and simply reappeared this week because Veronica needed help to execute her and Archie's plan. So, after no screen-time together (other than two minor run-of-the-mill scenes), we're supposed to buy that they're a couple again?

There's no denying that Veronica and Reggie have great chemistry (because they really do), and although they're not 'endgame', viewers couldn't help but root for them to get together. But it's hard to root for them this time around when their rekindling has nothing to do with chemistry and is just simply one final hurdle for Archie Andrews to overcome at the 12th hour. Sure, because the finale needed that extra layer.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.