Riverdale Season 3: 4 Ups & 6 Downs From 'Fear The Reaper'

5. Longest Game Of Gryphons & Gargoyles Ever

Riverdale Jughead F.P. Gladys Jones Kurtz
The CW

From a narrative standpoint, Kurtz's game of Gryphons & Gargoyles with Jughead, F.P. and Gladys in the Jones family's house appeared to take place across a single night. That said, the editing team clearly didn't seem to agree.

After framing the narrative with accompanying clips that were set during the same night, the episode then cut to various scenes involving Betty, Archie and Josie - all of which took place during the daylight. As each of these characters' respective daytime narratives unfolded, the Jughead/Kurtz saga was absent for a significant portion of time... that is, until the night arrived for the other characters.

Only when that happened, did we finally return to the Jones house (as both this and the other scenes took place during the same thunderstorm) where it appeared that nothing significant had happened in our time away from them.

Are we really supposed to believe that Jughead, Gladys and F.P., who were desperate to track down Jellybean, were playing Gryphons & Gargoyles (with from a criminal) for a full 24 hours? Wouldn't Juggie have communicated with Betty? Wouldn't Kurtz's wounds need patched up? Heck, wouldn't they have at least mentioned the never-ending game?

In all likelihood, this was probably just an error but, all things considered, it was a really noticeable one.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.