Riverdale Season 3: 4 Ups & 6 Downs From 'Fear The Reaper'

4. Penny Peabody's Return

Riverdale Penny Peabody
The CW

'Fear The Reaper' also saw the return of nobody's favourite character, Penny Peabody, when she showed up to battle Gladys with sai swords.

The one-dimensional character, who at one time was the Serpents' snake-charmer, has already been driven out of town, had her own serpent tattoo cut out and tortured (seemingly to death) by Gladys... and yet, here she stands. For goodness sake Penny, just take the hint - nobody likes you.

Bringing her back with an eye-patch (because Mrs. Jones cut out her eye instead of killing her) to serve as nothing more than an opponent for Gladys just felt like an attempt to make her more relevant than she actually is. Though it may have been a badass fight, it simply highlighted Penny's complete lack of character depth.

Considering the great redemptive performance Brit Morgan turned in Supergirl as Livewire, her talents are wasted on this one-dimensional villain.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.