Riverdale Season 3 Premiere: 5 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Labor Day'

1. The Significant Improvement In Writing Quality

Jughead Riverdale
The CW

While the first season of Riverdale was universally acclaimed, it didn't take long for the sheen to wear off. The increased episode count and plot contrivances made the bloated second season a failure, and ruined the magic created during the show's first year. Labor Day not only recaptures said magic, but it also marks a significant improvement in the writing quality.

The plotting is well executed throughout, and the decision to keep viewers waiting to find out the result of Archie's trial is pretty clever. What's more, the characters are once again realising the gravity of their actions and experiences, something that was non-existent the whole way through last season. The storylines are also much more interesting this year, with Alice and Polly's indoctrination offering something new. It feels fresh again.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.