Riverdale Season 3 Premiere: 5 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Labor Day'

2. The Return Of Penny Peabody

Riverdale Penny Peabody
The CW

Riverdale has had its fair share of antagonists over the years, but none are as frustrating as Penny Peabody. The villainous attorney has caused more than enough havoc for Jughead and the Serpents, but the young leader has proven time and again that he won't ever give up on his friends and family. That's the difference between the two characters: Jughead has something to fight for, whereas Penny comes across as a bit one-dimensional. We know absolutely nothing about her, and she appears to have no desire other than to cause trouble, which doesn't make her a very terrifying foe.

Her return doesn't bode well for the season, because despite the fact that she's simply not a great character, this storyline has been explored multiple times already - within the same season. Bringing her back for yet another turf war won't provide anything new for the series.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.