Riverdale Season 3 Premiere: 5 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Labor Day'

1. Archie The Martyr

Archie Trial Riverdale
The CW

While Archie is the protagonist of the show, he's more often than not been Riverdale's most infuriating character. He's easily led and on occasion he's not even likeable - which he doesn't have to be, but it does make rooting for him a little difficult. At the end of the day, Archie's outrageous behaviour during the second season is what got him into this mess, and although he did make great strides in redeeming himself in both this episode and the previous one, he's still not very good at making judgments.

The character is aware of his shortcomings, and he's making every effort to atone for his sins, but choosing prison as a way of redemption is yet another reason to be frustrated with him. He's not guilty of murder and he knows this, and yet he's choosing to go down for it. Perhaps he did it to ensure his family don't have to go through another trial, but surely he realises that his loved ones would rather endure a few more court dates than have their son go to jail?

Oh Archie, when will you learn?

What did you make of Labor Day? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.