Russell T Davies vs Steven Moffat - Who's Better?

Opening Episodes

Both Davies and Moffat gave action-packed opening episodes of their tenure ('Rose' and 'The Eleventh Hour' respectively), but Moffat focussed more on the Doctor saving the day, with Davies centring his episode on the companion. Davies's technique recalled 'An Unearthly Child', making Rose the lead in to the show for new fans. He used a classic enemy in the Autons, and set the tale in modern-day London, which set a familiarity for viewers, old and new, which allowed the Doctor to be more enigmatic. Moffat's Doctor however began much more as a charismatic, funny and energetic character; he allowed for Matt Smith to find his feet in the role with a light-hearted opening few scenes before introducing the drama. Another difference was in the TARDIS: Davies went for the classic introduction of Rose walking around the outside in disbelief, while Moffat played more with the idea of a world in a box... Moffat thought inside the box and Davies outside.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.