Scandal: 5 Theories For Season 3

1. Harrison Will Go Out On His Own

scandal-season1 This one is potentially the most far-fetched but definitely a big possibility because let's face it, Harrison hasn't had anything big to do recently. Yes, he's definitely Olivia's number two in terms of dealing with stuff on a daily basis and has more than earned anyone's trust, but he needs a big story and we think this could prove to be the impetus. The signs for this mainly lie in the fact that everyone else in Pope & Associates has had a massive story so far €“ Huck has had his spy past explored as a major part of the narrative, Quinn's trial proved to be a surprisingly key piece of the Cytron puzzle, and Abby's relationship with David was a meaty, romantic entanglement that more than provided some heartache. Harrison really hasn't had anything and he is by his own admission, ambitious. Whether or not this could translate into him deciding to go out on his own away from the protective shelter of Olivia, I'm not too sure. It is telling, narratively, that nearly every member of the team has come into conflict with Olivia at one point or another €“ Quinn was angry at Liv refusing to give her answers, Abby felt betrayed by Olivia spying and manipulating her relationship and Huck suffered a breakdown during his work for Ms Pope. I honestly do think Shonda Rhimes has something big planned for Harrison this season, whether it be romantic or dramatic, and while the idea of him betraying Olivia seems unthinkable, that's the reason it would make the show all the more watchable and entertaining. Nothing like betrayal to ensure the viewers keeping tuning in, after all...
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.