Scream: 12 WTF Moments From Episode 2

9. Everything Posted Online Goes Viral

Scream Murderville Sign

Speaking of going viral, it seems that within this show’s universe, anything posted online just instantly goes viral regardless of content.

Towards the beginning of Episode 2, Jake finds that Noah has painted the word “DOOSH” on his car in red paint, maybe not the best color choice at a time like this. Someone posted a picture of his truck on Twitter and it went viral. So first of all, just an image of some guy’s car having been vandalized is apparently enough to go viral, and it also only took like five minutes for that to happen? The image is just that funny?

Then later on, the killer actually sends everyone in the school a gif of him standing over Nina’s dead body. It’s a pretty effective and creepy moment when it first happens, but then this gif also goes viral. That makes a little more sense than the truck, but so is everyone just gleefully retweeting and reblogging this image of a girl’s dead body just as they’d share funny animal gifs?

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.