Scream: 12 WTF Moments From The TV Season Premiere

2. Noah's Final Monologue

If Noah is the character meant to lay out the thesis of the show, his final monologue is a bit worrying. In the last few minutes, Noah says that the "whodunnit may not be as important in our story." He tells you to forget that this is a horror story, and that you have to care about all these characters and their relationships. You have to root for them and love them, so when they're killed, it hurts. Do we have to, though? Isn't it your job as a show to get us to care about these people? So much of the relationships and drama set up in this episode are lame and cliche, yet the show ends by telling us to forget about the murder and care more about these people. Sorry, but there's nobody who's going to be more interested in Brooke's stupid relationship with her teacher than the mysterious masked serial killer. These characters have to be far more interesting for that to be the case. But this is just the first episode, so give it time.

Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.