Scrubs: 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments

6. Jill Tracey's Death

Scrubs My Screw-Up

Denise wasn't the only incredibly annoying woman who came to Sacred Heart. Jill Tracey was admitted to the hospital several times over the years, feeling run down, out of luck, and depressed. Though there was nothing medically wrong with her at times, Dr. Cox still allowed her to stay for nothing more than a rest from her life.

Her fiancé left her, she struggled to afford her rent, and had once tried to kill herself. In season five, JD ran into her a couple of times at the supermarket, and her life wasn't in much of a better place.

She had been stood up on a couple of dates, and hadn't been able to see her shrink in a while. All JD could focus on was how annoying she was, but the next day she was taking up a bed in Sacred Heart, full of cocaine after seemingly trying to kill herself again.

She passed away, and all JD could do was blame himself. After all, she had told him how much she was struggling and he just ignored her. Her mother did allow the hospital to use her organs post-mortem, however this led to a moment that will be featured later on this list.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.