Scrubs: All Main Characters Ranked Worst To Best

8. Bob Kelso

Scrubs Cast

In many ways, Bob Kelso was the real villain of the story. But there was a confusing line which the show drew where his offensive and unlikeable personality was presented in often contrasting ways. Either he was portrayed as a money-hungry unempathetic boss, or he was shown to be an unfortunate man who couldn't let go of his job.

This contrast admittedly gave us an interesting outlook on the position of a boss who needs to make harsh decisions. But, the juxtaposing nature of his presentation made the character at times feel muddled and confused. Fans were unsure as to whether they were supposed to like him or not, and any choices they made for themselves were contrasted by the decisions he would make.

Ken Jenkins was hilarious in the role, and he got laughs frequently throughout the series. But the character falls a little flat due to how fans were designed to care.

After his retirement, for example, audiences were encouraged to feel happy that he remained present, but the hell he put our protagonists through made it tough to empathise with him.

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