Scrubs: All Main Characters Ranked Worst To Best

7. Ted

Scrubs Cast

Almost every sit-com has a role which exists purely for the sake of being mocked. In the case of Scrubs that unfortunate typecast went to Ted, the bumbling and naïve Sacred Hearts lawyer. Sam Lloyd took the role of this loveable yet piteous man who would often find himself mocked and outcasted by the rest of the cast.

Ted was a likeable character, in that his constant struggle gave viewers a clear goal to root for. Fans wanted to see him succeed and as such, his rare moments of victory throughout the show felt all the more special.

Lloyd brought a tonne of personality to the position too, and throughout the series, he evolved into a more rounded part which had an identity outside of being the show's lackey.

However, Ted still ranks lower as, although he got plenty of development, he never quite managed to escape the limiting position his character was placed in. He always felt like a side-show to the primary story and more of a punchline to a joke as opposed to a full-on character.

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