Scrubs: How It Should Be Re-Cast In 2021

2. Christopher Turk - Donald Glover

Scrubs Recast

Although JD is the protagonist and leading man of the show, it's hard to argue that Turk doesn't deserve a nice chunk of that spotlight too.

Turk's position as the secondary protagonist and best friend of the lead was limiting at first, but he grew into his own and became an irreplaceable piece of the Scrubs puzzle. Thus, it'd make sense to get someone who wouldn't mess it up.

Donald Glover is infamous for nailing it in every project he's part of. The man should be arrested for the number of times he's stolen movies, TV shows and even the music industry. His range goes from immature stand-up to cool anti-hero to music icon, and as such, he'd bring a tremendous sense of charm to Turk.

His character work, quirkiness and unique personality are infectious, which is entirely on par with the character. In his hands, Turk would be a role worthy of the audience's love and could help to carry the show.

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