Secret Invasion Episode 2 Review - 7 Ups & 3 Downs

6. Up - Real Talk Between Fury & Talos

Nick Fury Secret Invasion
Marvel Studios

In the aftermath of the Moscow bombings, Nick Fury and Talos fled the scene. On the train, in their little compartment, they had time for a one on one chat that would end up being genuinely some of the best work either Samuel L. Jackson or Ben Mendelsohn have brought to their respective roles.

While they clashed when they first met, as anyone would expect them to, Fury and Talos soon became friends and trusted each other more than anyone else on the planet. Perhaps that relationship is what made their disagreement on the train so much more emotional and compelling.

Though their game of Tell Me Something I Don't Know seemed to arrive at shocking revelations relatively quickly and easily, the fact that Talos lied to Fury was a shock. What was arguably more shocking was Talos throwing it in Fury's face that he abandoned the Skrulls. Did he just in a manner of speaking agree with Gravik?

Fury told Talos to get out of his sight as there is now a potentially permanent fracture in their relationship, and since the two weren't seen together for the rest of the episode there is no way of knowing when and if they will come together again. Even if they do, the reception is sure to be frosty at best.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.