Secret Invasion Episode 4 Review - 6 Ups & 4 Downs

7. Down - A Few Minor Plotholes

Secret Invasion Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

Even the most meticulously detailed stories have plot holes that fans will scrutinise and find, and though they may be relatively small and inconsequential, 'Beloved' has its fair share of them.

When Nick Fury asked Priscilla how she came to choose this particular human form, she told of how the real Priscilla was suffering from a Congenital Heart Defect. When she passed away, the Skrull took her form and her DNA, as the Skrulls do. If she took this DNA though, wouldn't she have also taken the heart defect that killed her?

Then there were more inconsistencies with the Skrulls, namely Gravik's plan to attack the President and frame Russia. He even spoke in Russian as the attack went on, but any Skrulls taken down in the crossfire would have reverted back to their green alien form as they have done all series long. Surely this would have screamed alien invasion rather than Russian?

Even if you suspend your disbelief enough to think no Skrulls were killed in that kill zone, which is damn near impossible, the sight of Talos and Fury made Gravik lose all composure. He started speaking in English, and he freely shifted his form in order to kill Talos. He got the job done, but if even one human had seen it happen, the whole 'it was the Russians' thing goes down the toilet.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.