Secret Invasion Episode 6 Review - 5 Ups & 4 Downs

5. Up - Fury Created His Own Villain

Secret Invasion Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

So, the fight between Fury and Gravik that was teased never actually came, but there was a conversation from the latter's side at least that almost made up for it. At the sight of Nick Fury (or at least his image), Gravik held nothing back on whose fault this entire situation was.

From the get-go, Kingsley Ben-Adir has been one of the standouts of Secret Invasion, but this scene in the season finale was arguably his best moment. Every emotion poured from the Skrull General, as in some way he reverted back to the child he was when he first met Fury.

He killed for him. His hero. Gravik looked up to Nick Fury, he trusted Nick Fury, and he was abandoned and let down by Nick Fury. It was impossible not to be moved by the villain's impassioned speech, and not to feel at least a little compassion.

Gravik was just a child when he was first introduced to and used by Fury, and that pain came pouring out in this scene. Taking a flamethrower to humanity was never going to give him the closure he was after, but the connection between the two and the fact that Fury was at fault made it all the more compelling.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.