Seinfeld: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

6. Season 6

Seinfeld shirtless

As Seinfeld got into its mid-seasons, it had that ability to just keep everything fresh and flowing, without ever dipping drastically in quality. In fact, it would probably be quite difficult for somebody who doesn't have a massive knowledge about Seinfeld to identify episodes from seasons 2-7 in their correct order based on their individual merits.

Season 6 though just doesn't have the same flow to it that the previous four seasons had, and the decision especially to make episodes 100 and 101 a clip show was very disappointing.

Of the many things Seinfeld had going for it, one was it was capable of being extremely meta where other shows just would have been able to, so you felt that by putting together a clip show rather than have episode 100 be filled with jokes that alluded to that fact was a letdown. It also came in the middle of the run of the season, so it lost some momentum because of it.

In spite of that, season 6 had its high notes with episodes such as 'The Race' and 'The Mom & Pop Store' being some of the best episodes in the entire run of Seinfeld. Seeing the real Jon Voight bite Kramer is an image that'll last in sitcom legend forever, and having Kramer parody Midnight Cowboy at the end of the episode was just brilliant.

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