Sex Education: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best
7. Lily Iglehart
Lily is undoubtedly one of the weirdest, but best things to come from the series. Her introduction feels at first like the sub-plot to a single episode. However, she stays for the whole first season and eventually gets an upgrade with her involvement in the second.
The character is the quirkiest of all the roles in the show and captures the title's spirit correctly. But, like Ola, she struggles to come to the forefront only because of her position as a side character. While her involvement in season two has a significant impact on the arching narrative, it still doesn't seem as important as the issues of the other more prominent roles.
While her position has always felt like a side character, her narratives have always been incredibly compelling. Lily's first and second season respectively rank as some of the most entertaining moments, and her presence is much appreciated.
Let's hope that her storyline with Ola can help both of the roles feel more integral to the series as leads.