Sex Education Season 3: 12 Questions That Must Be Answered

11. Will Florence's Asexuality Be Explored?

Sex Education Season 2

Sex Education has a duty to provide adequate and contemporary information, which includes the introduction to an asexual character – something rarely seen represented in media.

When drama student Florence reveals that she doesn't want to have sex, Jean explains to her the concept of asexuality. This was a great moment to see on-screen, but it was glossed over far too quickly.

Florence seemed to be accepting straight away, which made the moment feel unrealistic. However, she mentioned that she was still interested in romantic relationships, so it's likely that she will run into some problems regarding how her lack of sexual attraction interacts with this.

Hopefully season 3 will take the time to explore her sexuality in more depth. As the series is so focused on sex, it's important to highlight that some people genuinely aren't interested.

If Florence had a romance with Jackson, who she co-starred with in the school play as Romeo and Juliet, it could explore both sides of the situation.


Yorkshire-based writer who loves cats, middle-aged actresses, and horror films.