Sherlock: 10 Biggest Plot Twists

7. Appledore's Vaults Are Inside Magnussen’s Head – His Last Vow

sherlock season 4

After the amusing but slightly patchy episode that was ‘The Sign of Three’, ‘His Last Vow’ amped up the quality considerably, and much of this was due to the terrific villain.

Given his occupation as a professional blackmailer, Charles Augustus Magnussen possessed an archive of pressure points – a library of secrets and scandals he used to influence certain people. However, the big twist with said archive was that it did not physically exist.

Upon arriving at Appledore to confront Magnussen, Sherlock and Watson soon learn that the archives are in fact a giant mind palace inside Magnussen’s head. Though some found this revelation a little far-fetched, it still made for a great twist thanks to some brilliant performances.

Moreover, given the capacity of the brain is essentially limitless, said twist – though highly improbable – is certainly not beyond the realms of possibility.

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