Sherlock: 6 Unbelievable Moriarty Theories To Keep You Guessing

3. Sherlock/Mycroft Planted The Moriarty Gif So He Wouldn't Be Exiled

Moving onto more likely options for how Series 4 will start, what if Moriarty is actually dead? If Sherlock really is one step ahead of everyone else, he could have planted this gif on every screen in the country and triggered it four minutes into his exile, as everyone knows there's only one man who can really stop Jim Moriarty (even they now believe he didn't quite finish the job last time). And of course, never underestimate the power and control of Mycroft Holmes, who started Episode 1 claiming he loved his little brother and he wanted to look after him, and finished Episode 9 claiming he isn't that bothered by family. Would planting this for Sherlock be another "get out of jail free card"? The Holmes brothers are probably the frontrunners if this is a hoax, given that they're the two people who are cleverer than anyone else in London. But there are other candidates...

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.