Sherlock Series 4: 10 Things You Need To Know

8. Sherlock's New Loyal Sidekick

Sherlock Dog Moriarty

In Series Four, it looks like Sherlock will take a bit of advice from the old adage and swap John Watson for a new canine best friend. Thankfully, this one looks a lot less bitey than the Hound of the Baskervilles.

In the first promotional image of the series, Benedict Cumberbatch is seen posing with his new poochie pal on Baker Street. It seems that with John married and a kid on the way, Sherlock has got himself a replacement live-in pet. Perhaps inspired by his beloved childhood dog Redbeard (as revealed in Series Three).

Hardcore Holmesians may also be aware that the detective has a dog called Toby in the novel The Sign of the Four, which he literally uses to sniff out clues.


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