The Simpsons: 10 Best Mr Burns Moments

2. See My Vest - Two Dozen And One Greyhounds

"Like my loafers? Former gophers. It was that or skin my chauffeurs..." The Simpsons has had a host of memorable songs over its run, but most are ensemble efforts that feature a number of the cast. 'Two Dozen and One Greyhounds' includes a rare solo from C. Montgomery Burns that depicts him at his most absurdly evil. After Santa's Little Helper fathers twenty-five new puppies, Mr Burns steals them from The Simpsons, prompting Lisa and Bart to investigate why he would want so many dogs. At first, it seems like Burns is treating the dogs surprisingly well, naming them as he washes each one. However, when Smithers questions whether Burns needs all of the dogs, the eccentric billionaire launches into a rendition of 'See My Vest', a parody of Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast, describing all the dead animals that fill his wardrobe. Personal favorites include the cat hat and the grizzly bear underwear, but everyone has their own preference. The song is a classic moment for Burns that perfectly sums up how naive he is regarding his own evil nature, smiling the whole way through the disturbing song. Watch it now to see exactly what I mean.
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David is a primary school teacher who tries his best to turn every math lesson into a discussion on the latest Pixar film. Passions include superheroes, zombies and Studio Ghibli. In between going to the cinema, moving to South Korea and eating his body weight in KFC, David writes for a number of movie sites,