The Simpsons - 10 Classic Easter Eggs You Probably Missed In Season 17

6. Homer Loves Italy - The Italian Bob

Because he's as much a regular as Flanders in the later years, Season 17 naturally has a Sideshow Bob episodeĀ„. Thankfully, The Italian Bob is a cut above the disappointing slew that had preceded it, seeing the family head to Italy on totally unrelated business, making the beloved villain's appearance a nice surprise (aside from the episode title, obviously). In what may seem like an unexpected development, both Homer and Bart show a vested interest in the country, well beyond it simply being the home of pizza. Although it shouldn't be as unsurprising as you'd think - this isn't the first time Homer has shown some sort of preference for Italy. Way back in the seminal You Only Move Twice (one of the show's very best episodes), Homer show's a favouring of the boot-shaped country (or a dislike of France) when quizzed by Hank Scorpio.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.