The Simpsons: 10 Greatest Deaths (So Far)

8. Fat Tony

In "Donnie Fatso", mob boss Fat Tony meets his end when he is betrayed by Homer. After ratcheting up a series of crimes, amounting to a $1,000 fine, Homer is advised by Moe to leave a $100 bribe at the court to get his crimes removed. Regrettably, Homer is caught and sent to prison. The bungling Simpson dad is then offered an alternative by an FBI agent, who plans to get him into Tony's gang so that he can act as a 'mole' and retrieve compromising information. Homer is given a camera, microphone and a fake name - Nicky Bluepants - and rises the ranks in Tony's gang, earning his trust. The two go to collect guns from Belgium, however, the FBI are listening in and Homer warns Tony to leave. Before he does, he learns Homer is a spy and suffered a heart attack, dying of shock. Homer is saddened, and is kidnapped by 'Fit' Tony - Tony's cousin - who eventually lets him go when he learns Fat Tony's memories live on in him. Fit Tony assumes the role of Fat Tony but the stress of being in the mob makes him put on weight, and he takes on the exact appearance of Fat Tony, making it seem almost as if he never died, similar to the situation of Snowball II and Snowball V.
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Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.