In the Simpsons episode "Mona Leaves-a", Homer's on-the-run-political-activist-hippy-mother Mona arrives back at the Simpson's house and declares she wants to put her life as a fugitive behind her and settle down permanently with her family. Homer doesn't believe her, having been lied to too many times, and angrily refuses her. Later, feeling guilty, Homer pens a letter to his mum expressing his true feelings but as he prepares to hand it to her, realises that she has died in her sleep (above) and is devastated. As Mona is cremated, the Simpsons return home and find a DVD with her will recorded on it, instructing Homer to release her ashes from the top of a mountain at precisely 3 o-clock. Homer does so, and the ashes float into a missile-launching device, causing it to malfunction as Homer realises his mum had once more made a stand 'against the man' from beyond the grave.
Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.