The Simpsons: 10 Greatest Deaths (So Far)

5. Waylon Smithers Sr.

In 'The Blunder Years' a hypnotist causes Homer to relive a traumatic childhood memory in which, as a child swimming in a quarry, he discovered a dead body. As this horrific event comes back to him, Homer finds that he cannot stop screaming in terror. In the present, the Simpsons visit the quarry as Homer tries to face his past, and locate the corpse, now skeletal, and uncover a hatch leading to Mr Burns's office. With Chief Wiggum in tow, Burns is accused of murder but shows the family a video which reveals Smithers Snr. died innocently in a nuclear accident when he attempted to stop the reactor core from having a meltdown in a bid to save Springfield and his son. Burns had previously told Smithers Jnr. that his father had been murdered by savage Amazonian women, a lie which would have a big impact on his assistant's sexuality in later life.
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Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.