The Simpsons: 10 Times Homer Really Should Have Died

9. Eating Poison Fish

With Homer being such a greedy guy, it was inevitable that one day his enormous appetite would be his undoing. A victim of his own hunger, he almost pays the price when visiting a local sushi restaurant for a change of scenery in "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish." After being reluctant to try the new cuisine, he is won over and begins gorging himself, working his way through the entire menu before reaching the fugu. Despite repeated warnings not to eat it, he demands to be fed and so the apprentice chef prepares the dish, apparently in a way which suggests he has eaten the poisonous parts. Homer spends the next day crossing things off his bucket list, doing all the things he always wanted to (until Grampa hogs most of his time and he winds up in jail), and then prepares himself for death by listening to Larry King reading The Bible. The neurotoxins should have paralysed his muscles and stopped him from breathing, but somehow, Homer manages to survive through a stroke of pure luck: you might say he "pulls a Homer."

Simon Spowart hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.