The Simpsons: 11 More Characters Who Need To Die

7. Gil

Why He Should Die: Gil is probably the unluckiest man in all of Springfield, an enthusiastic go-getter looking for a taste of the good life, though bad luck is his frequent enemy, such as when, on his first day on the job as a bank security guard, he was shot numerous times. He just can't seem to hold down a job, and though Gil is mostly just a recurring side-character who makes brief appearances here and there, it would make sense to finally put the poor old guy out of his misery at some point, because there's only so many times viewers can laugh at the poor sap's misfortune before they want something, anything good to happen to him. Method Of Death: It's probably worth making this one ironic, like having Gil win the lottery jackpot, only to die of hemophilia after cutting himself on the paper ticket. It gets rid of him but also has him suffer one final, outrageous indignity before popping off. How Likely Is It?: It could definitely happen: like Disco Stu, he's not beloved enough to make much of an impact, and death would pretty much feel like an act of mercy at this point. 7/10
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.