The Simpsons: 11 More Characters Who Need To Die

6. Hans Moleman

Why He Should Die: In talking about characters who should be dead by now, there's no Simpsons character who has endured quite as much punishment as Hans Moleman. Aside from the fact that he's reportedly only 31 years old (though looks older due to excessive drinking), Moleman has been frequently compared to South Park's Kenny, in that most of his appearances end up with him being horribly maimed or seemingly killed, only to return again in the next episode. His injuries include being set alight by the sun, driving off a cliff, his car spontaneously exploding, being exposed to large doses of radiation, Mr Burns. drilling into his brain, and of course, getting hit in the crotch with a football. Despite being one of the show's most reliably hilarious supporting characters, his frequent brushes with death make him a prime candidate to finally be killed off for good in an upcoming episode. Method Of Death: Given the dangerous scrapes he's survived, it would make sense for Hans to die in the most banal and peaceful way possible. Dying in his sleep is just too easy: perhaps he survives his biggest accident yet, only to trip over a pavement, hit his head and die. How Likely Is It?: Hans Moleman still makes relatively regular appearances on the show, so it could definitely happen. 6/10
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.