Sons Of Anarchy: 10 Best Episodes

5. John 8:32, Season 6, Episode 9

With so many of the show's characters keeping secrets and constantly lying to one another, it's inevitable that there would be a point where everything was finally exposed which is what exactly happened in John 8:32.

By the end of the episode, Jax had not only found out that Tara wasn't pregnant and didn't have a miscarriage, but that Gemma was forced to have sex with Clay while a couple of perverted prison guards watched. All in all, it was a pretty bad day for the SAMCRO leader.

Most TV shows would let everything come out gradually over the course of the season, but the writers did things differently by overloading Jax with all the information in one episode. It was wonderful because leading up to it, he had become so caught up in club business that he failed to realise what was going on in his personal life.

Watching him find out that his wife had finally had enough and was planning on taking away his children and what his mother was forced to do led to a very emotional and well put together episode.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.