Sons Of Anarchy: 12 Characters Everyone's Glad Survived

10. Marcus Alvarez

Though the series kicked off with the Mayans stealing guns from SAMCRO, it ended with the two clubs as concrete allies. Over the course of its run, the Mayans sometimes found themselves in conflict with the club due to the latter's decision making or because of external forces, like Zobelle, but Marcus Alvarez's willingness to be reasonable and work things out time and again meant the fences between the two were mended quickly. By the final season, Alvarez solidified his friendship with the club by dropping his allegiance with the Triads upon becoming wrapped up in the lie that they were responsible for the death of Tara, who had treated him after being shot in season four, and even gave up Juice to the club rather than accept his deal for information on them, with Jax helping him to finally take over the gun business and work out everything with the Byz Lats, the One-Niners and the Sons in return. Much credit goes to actor Emilio Rivera, who kept Alvarez authoritative, level-headed and understandable, wonderfully selling some great lines - who will ever forget that "there ain't no Switzerland in the hood"? - and ensured that the character was one ally you would've hated to see lost in all the ever-increasing bloodshed.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!