Sons Of Anarchy: 12 Characters Everyone's Glad Survived

9. T.O. Cross

The Grim Bastards popped up on occasion to help the Sons out, with their president, T.O., being the only member that you got to know in any way. Though T.O. never got much in the way of a storyline that helped flesh him out, his general likeability, dependability and attitude made him a character that was easy to like. When he expressed his frustration over who or what Jax was becoming in season five, he earned sympathy from an audience that understood where he was coming from. Though you wouldn't see him or the Bastards again until the show's final season, his return was more than welcome and his efforts to help the club in the wake of Tara's death showcased how valuable an ally he truly was. That Jax was able to get the bylaw eradicated preventing African-Americans from joining SAMCRO and have T.O. become an immediately patched in member as one of his final acts was a great decision and even better new step for a club headed towards a different future.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!