Sons Of Anarchy: 20 Best Lines

5. "That's A Natural Reaction. The Desire For Revenge."

Sons Of Anarchy
"That's a natural reaction. The desire for revenge, it's a part of grieving. The difference is in my world, I knew that those violent desires would never become real. In yours, it's a very likely outcome." - Patterson (From "Black Widower", Season Seven Episode One)

By the final season of Sons Of Anarchy, all of SAMCRO were in desperate need of a wake-up call, but Jax especially. Surprisingly, the one to give it was District Attorney Tyne Patterson, as she let him off of a murder charge, commended him for making the right decision, but warning him "more violence will only destroy what's left."


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at