South Park: 10 Times Butters Was TOO Innocent

8. Butters Falls In Love

South park butters
Comedy Central

South Park's bread and butter is parodying real world events, people, and everything in between. This is no different in the season 7 episode, Raisins.

After Wendy breaks up with Stan, his classmates decide to take him to a Raisins restaurant - South Park's take on Hooters - in an attempt to take his mind off his troubles.

Instead, Butters is the one who becomes smitten with one of the waitresses and is convinced her flirty nature is a show of romantic interest in him. He promises her that he'll return soon and gives her an even bigger tip before leaving, using up all his allowance in the process.

Lexus continues to lead Butters on and tells him to come back to Raisins so he can see her again, and of course Butters being the naive soul that he is, construes this as an indication of them being in a relationship.

He calls Lexus after school, keeps a picture of her in his room, and even tells his parents he has a girlfriend. When Butters takes his parents to Raisins to meet her, they immediately realise what is happening and try to warn Butters but he doesn't listen. It's only when Lexus tells him plainly that they aren't together that reality sinks in for him.

Through his heartbreak, Butters still manages to remain optimistic and even has a wonderful pearl of wisdom that shows he always looks for the good in the world. He says, "I'm sad, but at the same time, I'm really happy that something can make me feel that sad."

Butters, you are far too good for this world.

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Craig Pollock hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.