South Park: 10 Times Eric Cartman Got What He Deserved

7. Cartmanland

South Park Cartman Crying
Comedy Central

Episode: Cartmanland (Season 5, Episode 6)

Kyle asks the big question in this episode – how can someone as horrible as Cartman be so fortunate and happy? It arises after Eric inherits one million dollars from his late Grandmother and chooses to invest it in a theme park all for himself, rather than use it to help the less fortunate.

Cartman wants his own park so that he doesn’t have to wait in lines. Although his new business was originally just for his own use, he decides to start letting customers in because of how much money it makes him.

The success of Cartman’s new life causes Kyle to rethink his faith in God whilst developing a hernia because of Eric’s new found happiness. A correlation occurs throughout the episode: as Cartman gets richer and happier, Kyle’s health plummets severely to the point where he’s hospitalised, nearly at Death’s door.

Cartman’s new found success doesn’t last long though, as he must pay high taxes, penalty fees and ultimately loses Cartmanland. This gives Stan the idea to demand Kyle be removed from the hospital so that he can witness Cartman’s failure.

Literally wheeled out on a hospital bed, he witnesses Cartman’s misery of being completely bankrupt and deep in debt. Miraculously, Kyle's faith in God restores and his deadly hernia shrinks down.

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid