South Park Elementary: Every Faculty Member Ranked Worst To Best

4. PC Principal

South Park Ms. Pearl
Comedy Central

With a show as obnoxious and vulgar as South Park, it was clear they'd one day tackle the modern cultural significance of political correctness, and fans were eager to see what they'd have to say about it. They did so in a way that didn't mock the ideas themselves, just the people who enforce them.

PC Principal really should feel like a one-note character, as his namesake suggests that his purpose will solely focus on one thing. But, while the majority of his behaviour does come from his over enforcement of progressive ideals, he's also proven to be very versatile. The Strong Woman relationship narrative, his role in the PC babies lives and even his rivalry with Leslie prove that he's more than just a self-aware attack on social justice warriors.

It's not very common in the modern times of South Park to see new characters become so integral so quickly. Still, PC Principal indeed has become a staple of the show and easily oversteps the person he replaced (Victoria). He might not be everyone's cup of tea, but he's easily one of the best characters in South Park Elementary.

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