South Park Elementary: Every Faculty Member Ranked Worst To Best

6. Strong Woman

South Park Ms. Pearl
Comedy Central

Now here's a character who lives up to her namesake, as not only does Strong Woman have a funny niche in the show, but she can actually overhead press 250 kilograms - which is 34 kilograms heavier than the world record set by Eddie Hall. She's someone you don't want to mess with and makes a good if a little mundane impact on the show.

Vice Principal Strong Woman isn't as exciting as other characters and even feels like a deliberately tame version of her romantic counterpart PC Principal (who we will get to later). Still, her assertive persona and humorous discussion of genders roles make her stand out.

It's great to see South Park delivering on a strong female character, as it's quite rare for the show to do so. Plus, the dynamic between her and PC Principal, which infamously led to the birth of quintuplet PC babies, is one of the more weird yet exciting narratives in the show's later seasons.

She may not stand out too much in the Colorado town, thanks to her lack of visual/personality flair. But, her sternness and powerful demeanour give her a valuable place in the series and South Park Elementary itself.

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